Resin-bonded Bridges: Survival and Recent Concept
[Year:2020] [Month:July-September] [Volume:10] [Number:3] [Pages:1] [Pages No:93 - 93]
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10019-1282 | Open Access | How to cite |
Bite Registration Accuracies with Intraoral Scanning
[Year:2020] [Month:July-September] [Volume:10] [Number:3] [Pages:1] [Pages No:94 - 94]
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10019-1284 | Open Access | How to cite |
Recognizing Maxillofacial Prosthetics as a Subspecialty in India: Need of the Hour
[Year:2020] [Month:July-September] [Volume:10] [Number:3] [Pages:2] [Pages No:95 - 96]
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10019-1283 | Open Access | How to cite |
Shear and Flexural Strength of Resin-modified Glass-ionomer Adhesive Liner in Sandwich Restorations
[Year:2020] [Month:July-September] [Volume:10] [Number:3] [Pages:5] [Pages No:97 - 101]
Keywords: Composite resin, Glass-ionomer sandwich, Laminate technique, Restorative strength, Restorative technique
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10019-1281 | Open Access | How to cite |
Aim: Adhesive liners used in sandwich restorations between glass-ionomer cement (GIC) and composite should have sufficient strength and bonding properties. Resin-modified glass ionomers (RMGIs) exhibit good bonding to the tooth structure, GIC, and composite. They also exhibit good mechanical and bonding characteristics compared with other unfilled resins. Hence, the present study aimed to compare the shear and flexural bond strength of sandwich restorations when resin-modified glass-ionomer liners are used sandwiching conventional GIC and composite restorations compared with unfilled resins under artificial saliva in vitro. Materials and methods: Eighty-eight specimens prepared following specific criteria for flexural (44 specimens) and shear strength (44 specimens) testing was divided into two groups consisting of RMGI and unfilled resin bonding agent sandwich restorations. Three-point bending test and the Instron universal load testing machine were used for flexural and shear testing, respectively. SPSS v.18 was used to analyze the raw data obtained and comparison between the groups. Selected samples were prepared for a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) investigation, to observe the interfaces between the GIC and composite, as well as to provide a detailed analysis of the modes of failure in the specimens. Results: Sandwich restorations using resin-modified glass-ionomer cement (RMGIC) adhesive liner showed a statistically significant increase in shear bond forces and shear strength of the final restoration compared with an unfilled resin. There was no significant difference in the flexural strength of forces between the two groups. Scanning electron microscopy results revealed cohesive failure within the GIC as a major cause of failure of these restorations. Conclusion: Resin-modified glass ionomer liners show promising results in terms of shear and flexural strength of the sandwich restoration compared with unfilled resins.
[Year:2020] [Month:July-September] [Volume:10] [Number:3] [Pages:10] [Pages No:102 - 111]
Keywords: Corrosion, Hydroxyapatite, LASER sintered, LASER textured, Surface modification, Ti-6Al-4V
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10019-1280 | Open Access | How to cite |
Aim and objective: To evaluate the influence of surface modification on corrosion behavior of the implant grade titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V, in simulated body fluids (SBFs). Materials and methods: Seventy disk-shaped samples of implant grade titanium alloy, Ti-6Al-4V were divided into seven groups of 10 each; UMS (unmodified surface/control group), HA (hydroxyapatite coated), LS (LASER sintered), LT (LASER textured), TG (combined chemical and thermal treated), HT850 (oxidized state), and HT1050 (oxidized state) were subjected to corrosion tests, electrochemical impedance, and cyclic polarization tests using GAMRY Potentiostat in SBF. Paired t-test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test, and Tukey honestly significant difference (HSD) test (p = 0.05). Results: Polarization resistance (Rp) was increased in TG (1,800 ± 10.54 kΩ) with respect to UMS (control group) (1,249 ± 11.25 kΩ) and HA (1,250 ± 8.65 kΩ), further reduced in HT850 (780.00 ± 11.54 kΩ), LT (127 ± 5.37 kΩ), LS (60 ± 18.26 kΩ), and HT1050 (0.00 ± 0.00 kΩ) being lowest at 144 hours. Their mean comparisons were statistically significant except in HT1050 (p = 0.05). Cyclic polarization curves showed hysteresis loops in all the samples (UMS, HA, LS, LT, HT850, and HT1050) indicating susceptibility to localized corrosion (pitting and crevice corrosion) except in the TG sample, which showed forward scan retracing the reverse scan; they showed significantly improved resistance against pitting in TG followed by LS, HA, LT, and HT850 compared to UMS (control) except HT1050 (p = 0.05). Conclusion: Combined chemical and thermal treatment of titanium alloy showed greater corrosion resistance and minimal susceptibility to localized corrosion (pitting and crevice corrosion) than the unmodified surface.
Correlation of Depression with Edentulism in Elderly Patients
[Year:2020] [Month:July-September] [Volume:10] [Number:3] [Pages:3] [Pages No:112 - 114]
Keywords: Depression, Edentulism, Psychiatric illness
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10019-1279 | Open Access | How to cite |
Aim: Loss of all natural teeth is termed as edentulism. In elderly population with edentulism, depression enhances the risk of poor oral health. Present research was done to assess edentulism in elderly patients and its correlation with depression. Materials and methods: Present research comprised of 530 completely edentulous subjects. Personal Health Questionnaire-8 (PHQ-8) was subjected to all patients to evaluate the depression status. Parameters such as education, marital position, and socioeconomic position were also noted. Results: There was 280 (52.8%) males and 250 (47.2%) females out of 530 patients; 280 (52.8%) subjects had low socioeconomic status, 170 (32.0%) had middle, and 95 (17.9%) had high socioeconomic status. Total 275 (51.8%) patients had education up to primary standard, 170 (32.0%) had high, and 105 (19.2%) had secondary standard. Total 502 (94.8%) patients were married and 28 (5.2%) were unmarried. All variables showed statistically significant difference (p < 0.05). Patient health questionnaire (PHQ-8) scoring and interpretation with behavioral risk factor surveillance survey (BRFSS) response conversion showed that most of the patients (60.2%) had score more than 15, which suggests that patients had depression symptoms. Edentulism was significantly associated with socioeconomic status (OR 1.02, 95% CI = 0.94–2.06), education level (OR 1.0, 95% CI = 0.98–1.72), marital status (OR 1.14, 95% CI =1.08–2.34), and depression (OR 1.50, 95% CI = 1.24–2.14). Conclusion: It was observed in this study that edentulism was more predominant among patients with poor socioeconomic status, married, and patients with education level up to primary level. Maximum number of patients had depression symptoms, thus indicating correlation of depression with tooth loss.
[Year:2020] [Month:July-September] [Volume:10] [Number:3] [Pages:7] [Pages No:115 - 121]
Keywords: Color, Composite, Lithium disilicate, Surface polishing, Zirconia
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10019-1277 | Open Access | How to cite |
Aim: Investigation of color changes of restorative materials with different surface finishing processes applied and kept in different solutions. Materials and methods: Totally 240 rectangular prism specimens were used in this study. Specimens were produced by four different restorative materials (two composites, lithium disilicate ceramic and zirconia) and each group was randomly divided into three groups. The three different surface finishing processes were applied to the specimens, and again, each group was randomly divided into four groups (n = 5). The initial color measurements were performed by spectrophotometer and recorded, after that the specimens were kept in four different solutions for a total of 28 days. The first 7- and 28-day color measurements of the specimens were made by spectrophotometer and recorded. Data were analyzed with Kruskal–Wallis and Tamhane's T2 test. Results: There was a statistically significant difference between the discolorations of the restorative materials (p < 0.001) and was no statistical difference between the different polishing processes (p > 0.05) during all periods. Although there was a statistically significant difference between the discolorations during 0–7 days and 7–28 days (p < 0.001), there was no statistically significant difference between the discolorations during 0–28 days (p > 0.05). Conclusion: During 0–28 days of investigations, different solutions cause a color change in restorative materials, and surface polishing processes are of no importance in this case.
Effects of Omega-6, Omega-9, Grape Seed Extract, and Chlorhexidine on Dentin Bond Strength
[Year:2020] [Month:July-September] [Volume:10] [Number:3] [Pages:5] [Pages No:122 - 126]
Keywords: Chlorhexidine, Dentin, Grape seed extract matrix, Metalloproteinases, Unsaturated fatty acid
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10019-1273 | Open Access | How to cite |
Aim: Biodegradation of collagen matrix is one of the main factors in reducing the strength of dentin–resin bond over time. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of four natural agents on the prevention of collagen degradation which increases bond strength. Materials and methods: Twenty-five sound human premolars were selected. The middle one-third of the dentin was exposed by removing occlusal part of the crown. In order to increase the bond strength of the dentin–resin interface, four collagen cross-linking agents and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitors were used in this study. The teeth were randomly divided into five groups according to the dentin treatment; control group (no treatment), pretreatment with chlorhexidine (CHX), grape seed extract (GSE), omega-9, and omega-6, respectively. Teeth were restored with Tetric N-Bond adhesive system and resin composite. After thermocycling, all the specimens were mounted on the slicing machine and then sectioned to produce a 1.0 mm2 cross-sectional surface area that tested for tensile bond strength. Data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post hoc Tukey test. Results: The CHX pretreatment group (36.45 ± 1.85 MPa) had a significantly higher bond strength, compared to the other groups (p 0.05). Conclusion: The application of natural collagen cross-linkers and MMP inhibitors in this study (CHX 2%, GSE 6.5%, omega-9, and omega-6) were capable of significantly increasing resin–dentin bond strength.
[Year:2020] [Month:July-September] [Volume:10] [Number:3] [Pages:4] [Pages No:127 - 130]
Keywords: Bone augmentation, Deflation, Dredging method, Implant, Postoperative maxillary cyst
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10019-1278 | Open Access | How to cite |
To evaluate physiological bone regeneration in the case of a postoperative maxillary cyst (POMC) treated using the deflation and dredging method to augment bone for implant placement. In the case of bone resorption, bone augmentation is required to place a stable implant. Before bone augmentation, the reason for bone resorption must be taken into consideration and should be treated first. The deflation and dredging method, which was originally developed for treating ameloblastoma, can be applied to treat POMC because of the similar treatment objectives of complete epithelium removal and enhancement of bone regeneration. In the first surgery, the cyst wall and overlying alveolar bone were removed under local anesthesia for deflation and histopathological examination. Three months after the deflation, new bone formation was observed along the inner surface of the cavity, the cavity itself became smaller, and the cyst could be easily enucleated. Thereafter, dredging was performed twice at intervals of 3 months. No epithelial cells were found on histopathological examination of the bone excised during dredging, and the bony cavity was filled with regenerated bone. Six months later, the implant body was placed, and the final prostheses were set after another 6 months. There has been no recurrence of POMC for >3 years after the last dredging. Treatment of the POMC and bone augmentation can be performed as a serial treatment without any invasive maneuvers, such as, bone harvesting and grafting. Bone regeneration is expected to occur under proper conditions of preparation.
Prosthodontic Approach for Rehabilitating an Amputated Toe: A Case Report
[Year:2020] [Month:July-September] [Volume:10] [Number:3] [Pages:5] [Pages No:131 - 135]
Keywords: Amputated toe, HTV silicone, Toe prosthesis
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10019-1261 | Open Access | How to cite |
Rehabilitation of an amputated toe using high temperature vulcanizing (HTV) silicone prosthesis aiming toward comfort and esthetics for a patient whose right toe was missing. Amputation is the removal of all or part of a limb. It can result from medical, surgical, congenital, or psychiatric reasons. Rehabilitating patients with amputated toe not only restores the function but also satisfies their esthetic needs, self-confidence and helping them to cope with the difficulties of amputation. The patient reported to the Department of Prosthodontics with the chief complaint of missing teeth and wants to get it replaced, and it was noticed that his right toe was amputated 2 years back due to diabetic foot ulcer. This case report describes the prosthodontic management of the patient with amputated right toe due to diabetic foot ulcer. Rehabilitating patients with amputated toe not only resulted in improved social interaction, function, and comfort of the patient, it also contributed to the physical and mental well-being of the individual in improving the quality of life of the patient.