Citation Information :
Azhari M, Rokhssi H, Merzouk N, Bentahar O. Maxillofacial Prosthesis with Stages Connected by Magnets for Large Midface Defect: A Case Report. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2021; 11 (1):61-65.
Prosthetic rehabilitation is done to restore esthetics, function, and improves the quality of life of the patient. Maxillofacial prosthesis is not only a complementary solution to surgery but also a real therapeutic possibility, which helps to restore the defects of large extent. The present case report presented a patient undergone maxillectomy, in which surgery had resulted in loss of intraoral structures, resulting in communication with the nasal fossae and projecting to the facial level by so-called extraoral mutilations. The patient was rehabilitated utilizing maxillofacial stage prosthesis with stages connected with magnets.
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