International Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry

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VOLUME 11 , ISSUE 1 ( January-March, 2021 ) > List of Articles


Correlation of Vertical Dimension of Occlusion with the Length of Fingers in Different Ethnicity and Gender in Nepal

Ayusha Bajracharya, Kanchana Shrestha, Shyam Maharjan, Suraj RB Mathema

Keywords : Ethnicity, Gender, Length of finger, Vertical dimension of occlusion

Citation Information : Bajracharya A, Shrestha K, Maharjan S, Mathema SR. Correlation of Vertical Dimension of Occlusion with the Length of Fingers in Different Ethnicity and Gender in Nepal. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2021; 11 (1):16-21.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10019-1301

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 01-03-2021

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2021; The Author(s).


Aim and objective: To compare and correlate the vertical dimension of occlusion (VDO) with the length of fingers in different gender and ethnicity in the Nepalese population. Materials and methods: The study was done on 115 dental students in Kathmandu valley. The study included 41 male and 74 female samples among which 59 were Aryan and 56 were of Mongolian ethnicity. Measurement of VDO was done from the base of the nose to the base of the chin and measurement of finger length was done from the tip of the finger to the distal-most point closest to the metacarpophalangeal crease using a modified digital Vernier caliper. All the data were recorded and statistically analyzed. Results: The VDO was positively correlated with all the fingers of the left and right hand with p values <0.05. The mean VDO of the male was 4.28 mm higher than that of the female. The mean VDO among Aryans was 2.43 mm lower than that of Mongolians. The highest correlation of VDO in Aryans and Mongolians was seen with the length of the thumb. This correlation was statistically significant with a p value < 0.05. Conclusion: The study showed that the VDO was positively correlated with the length of fingers. There was a positive association between the VDO and gender as well as ethnicity. A proportional relationship exists between VDO and the length of thumb irrespective of gender and ethnicity.

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