International Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry

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VOLUME 2 , ISSUE 3 ( July-September, 2012 ) > List of Articles


Retention of Metal Crowns Luted to Implant Abutments of Two Different Diameters using Different Luting Agents

Jay Dipak Matani, Natasha Parulekar, Mohit Kheur, Shantanu Jambhekar, MK Supriya

Citation Information : Matani JD, Parulekar N, Kheur M, Jambhekar S, Supriya M. Retention of Metal Crowns Luted to Implant Abutments of Two Different Diameters using Different Luting Agents. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2012; 2 (3):96-100.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10019-1056

License: NA

Published Online: 01-09-2012

Copyright Statement:  NA



The desirable properties of a luting agent used for implant prostheses are adequate tensile strength for retention and at the same time render the crowns to be retrievable. No studies have reported a comparison of the retention of implant crowns luted with zinc phosphate and polymeric cements. Studying the retentive abilities of these cements utilizing varying sizes of implant abutments may provide new insights into their clinical behaviors.


To compare the retentive abilities of two luting agents, using them to lute crowns on implant abutments of different diameters.

Materials and methods

Two implants (3.7 and 6.0 mm diameter) were embedded in a resin block. Straight abutments of corresponding diameters were screwed into the implants. The height of abutments was kept equal for both abutments (8 mm). Seven copings were fabricated for each abutment. Groups 1 and 2 copings (14 copings) were tested for both luting agents; zinc phosphate and polymeric cement using a universal testing machine.


For the abutment diameters tested, the retentive values of zinc phosphate was significantly greater than polymeric implant cement. For the broad abutment, zinc phosphate was significantly more retentive than polymeric implant cement. For the narrow abutment, retentive values of zinc phosphate and polymeric implant cement were almost similar.


The retentive values of zinc phosphate were significantly greater than polymeric implant cement. For broad abutment, zinc phosphate was more retentive whereas for narrow abutment, retentive values were almost similar.

How to cite this article

Matani JD, Parulekar N, Kheur M, Jambhekar S, Supriya MK. Retention of Metal Crowns Luted to Implant Abutments of Two Different Diameters using Different Luting Agents. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2012;2(3):96-100.

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