Effect of Low Power Magnification on Total Occlusal Convergence Angles in Crown Preparation
Abdulrahman Almalki, Sultan Almalki, Tushar Bahgat
Keywords :
Crown, Fixed prosthodontics, Magnification, Total occlusal convergence angles
Citation Information :
Almalki A, Almalki S, Bahgat T. Effect of Low Power Magnification on Total Occlusal Convergence Angles in Crown Preparation. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2019; 9 (1):13-17.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the total occlusal convergence angles of crown prepared teeth with low-power magnifying dental loupes and without dental loupes.
Materials and methods: Three different typodent maxillary teeth (incisor, premolar, and molar) were prepared with x2.5 dental loupes and other prepared without dental loupes. A total of 96 were made, 48 with dental loupes, 48 without dental loupes. Teeth were admitted for evaluation of the buccolingual and mesiodistal convergence angles of each prepared tooth with AutoCAD digital software.
Results: The average buccolingual and mesiodistal total convergence angles for crown-prepared central incisors with dental loupes were 14.73 degrees and 14.94 degrees without dental loupes. In premolars were 16.18 degrees with dental loupes and 17.74 without dental loupes. In molars were 18.55 degrees with dental loupes and 19.18 without dental loupes.
Conclusion: There is no statistically significant difference between crown-prepared teeth with 2.5X dental loupes and other crown-prepared teeth without dental loupes.
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