Citation Information :
Meshramkar R, Mathur P, Navya N, Gupta M, Lekha K. A Study to Evaluate the Role of Macro-, Micro-, and Miniesthetics in an Attractive Smile. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2019; 9 (4):117-123.
Aim: The aim of the study is to evaluate the influence of macro-, micro-, and miniesthetics in an attractive smile. Materials and methods: The smile photographs of around 214 dental students were taken of age group 18–25 years with natural dentition with specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. Frontal photographs were taken with a Nikon DSLR 200 105 mm macro lens ratio 1:1 F/2.8 digital camera. The study was carried out in two stages: stage 1—the photographs were analyzed for beautiful smiles. Those photographs which had a mean score of 60 and above and small standard deviation (3.45) were selected. Out of 214 photographs, 33 photographs were selected for attractive smiles. Stage 2—in the second part of the study different parameters of macro-, micro-, and miniesthetics that influence attractive smile were evaluated. The data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis. Results: Facial form contributes more in an attractive smile compared with the remaining factors for macroesthetics In factors influencing microesthetics ideally tooth shade plays major role compared with other factors. Crowding ideally plays significant role compared with the remaining factors for miniesthetics. Conclusion: In restorative dentistry, all factors are to be included during the treatment to enhance the esthetic appearance of the patient thereby improving the smile.
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