VOLUME 9 , ISSUE 1 ( January-March, 2019 ) > List of Articles
Siddhanth S Jain, Rakesh B Shah, Monika P Surana, Amit D Mahajan, Prachur K Malhotra
Keywords : Awareness, Bone augmentation, Bone graft surgery, Dental implants, Knowledge, Survey
Citation Information : Jain SS, Shah RB, Surana MP, Mahajan AD, Malhotra PK. Evaluation of Patients’ Perspectives on Dental Implants and Bone Graft Surgery: A Questionnaire-based Study. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2019; 9 (1):9-12.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10019-1224
License: CC BY-NC 4.0
Published Online: 01-03-2019
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2019; The Author(s).
Aim: To evaluate patients’ knowledge and awareness regarding dental implant therapy and bone graft surgeries, various implant techniques; their willingness towards implant surgery and bone-grafting surgeries. Materials and methods: One hundred sixty patients were included and a pre-typed questionnaire was given to the patients, written in their language and their answers were documented and analyzed. Result: A total of 160 patients were included. One hundred ten were males and 50 were females. Fifty-six patients were between 20–25 years of age, 67 patients were between 25–35 years of age and 37 patients were between 35-50 years of age. One hundred twenty-nine patients underwent extraction, 140 patients had missing teeth, 81 patients had periodontal disease, 142 patients were willing for replacement, 113 patients wanted fixed prosthesis, and 95 patients did not know about dental implants. Out of the 65 patients who knew, their source was dentists. One hundred nine patients perceived implants as being costly. One hundred forty-nine patients did not know about bone loss post extraction. Only seven patients knew about bone augmentation surgeries. Eighty-eight patients agreed that good quality bone could significantly improve the treatment outcome. One hundred eight patients wanted more information; however, only 17 patients agreed for implant therapy. Majority of the patients (107) considered financial costs to be the reason to not undergo implant therapy. Conclusion: This study concluded that patients’ knowledge and attitude towards implants was below average as an option for replacing missing teeth. Dentists were the main sources of information. The lack of information about good healthy bone was found to be significant in our group. However, once explained about the various treatment options, their willingness improved significantly. The high treatment cost was a major factor against the willingness of patients and they were reluctant for dental implants. Thus, constructive improvements towards making this treatment modality more affordable and creating more awareness are required.