International Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry

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VOLUME 8 , ISSUE 3 ( July-September, 2018 ) > List of Articles


An Innovative Method for Fabricating a Closed Hollow Cast Partial Denture for a Patient with Mandibular Discontinuity Defect: A Case Report

Kritika Rajan, Ishan R Choudhury, Jayanta Bhattacharyya, Saumitra Ghosh

Keywords : Cast partial denture, Hemimandibulectomy, Lightweight, Polystyrene

Citation Information : Rajan K, Choudhury IR, Bhattacharyya J, Ghosh S. An Innovative Method for Fabricating a Closed Hollow Cast Partial Denture for a Patient with Mandibular Discontinuity Defect: A Case Report. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2018; 8 (3):96-98.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10019-1213

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 05-05-2022

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2018; Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.


Aim: Fabrication of lightweight dentures for hemimandibulectomy patients. Background: The discontinuity in case of a mandibular resection leads to decreased stability, retention and support of a prosthesis. The weight of the prosthesis is one of the primary dislocating factors because it often acts as a cantilever. To decrease the leverage action, reduction in the weight of the prosthesis is mandatory. Case description: In this case report the use of expanded polysterene (thermocol) has been done to increase the stability of the prosthesis, thereby, increasing the comfort and acceptance of the patient. Conclusion: This case report gives an insight as to how a lightweight material can be added to reduce the weight of denture, without compromising is integrity and function. Clinical significance: Lightweight materials such as expanded polystyrene (thermocol) allow control of spacer thickness to reduce the weight of the denture without compromising the integrity of the denture.

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