Varying Perception of Smile Esthetics-A Deviation from the Norm: A Pictorial Questionnaire-based Survey
Sneha Ketan Gada
Citation Information :
Gada SK. Varying Perception of Smile Esthetics-A Deviation from the Norm: A Pictorial Questionnaire-based Survey. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2015; 5 (3):68-73.
Living in a beauty conscious society, the mouth, a focal point of the face, plays a major role in how we perceive ourselves and in the impression we make on the people around us.
Esthetic perception varies from person to person, being influenced by each person's personal experience and social environment. In the process of providing esthetic treatment for a patient, one should not only rely on one's eyes and personal perception of beauty, but also be guided by the patient's desires. Hence, the measurement of the perception of beauty in dentistry is fundamental for providing scientific data that can guide diagnosis and treatment planning.
This study aims at evaluating the changing trends of esthetic dentistry with the perception of people.
Materials and methods
The study using a visual pictorial questionnaire was conducted among 100 students of Nair Hospital Dental College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India in February 2013, consequently repeated in October 2013. The scores were averaged and calculated to record the probability prevalence of the same.
A marked shift from the conventional principles of smiles design has been witnessed showing a changing perception of people contrasting to the esthetic norms.
An equal importance needs to be given to the patient's desire combined with the dentist's knowledge and experience of esthetics to deliver efficient and appreciable esthetic outcomes.
How to cite this article
Gada SK, Gupta P. Varying Perception of Smile Esthetics-A Deviation from the Norm: A Pictorial Questionnaire-based Survey. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2015;5(3):68-73.
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