International Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry

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VOLUME 4 , ISSUE 2 ( April-June, 2014 ) > List of Articles


Dental Implants as a Treatment Modality: Awareness Survey among People of Ahmedabad

Anandmayee Chaturvedi, Hemal Agarwal

Citation Information : Chaturvedi A, Agarwal H. Dental Implants as a Treatment Modality: Awareness Survey among People of Ahmedabad. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2014; 4 (2):35-38.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10019-1103

Published Online: 01-03-2017

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2014; The Author(s).



To assess the sources, level of awareness, and need for information about dental implants among patients attending the outpatient ward of department of Prosthodontics, Government Dental College and Hospital, Ahmedabad, India.

Materials and methods

A survey was conducted on 300 patients attending the outpatient ward department of prostho- dontics, Government dental college and hospital, Ahmedabad. A printed questionnaire was used to evaluate the awareness about dental implants.


Out of 300 patients only 41.33% had heard about the implant as treatment modality and most of them were of 16 to 30 age group (53.33%). For most of the participants, dentist was the main sources of information about dental implants (69.35%), and most of them were found to have interest to know about implants. 45.33% were willing to go under the treatment if needed, while 52.67% cited high costs as the main reason for refusal of the treatment if needed.


Patient should be informed about implants by conducting and implementing various public awareness camp- aigns, counseling centers should be established in patient outpatient ward in Prosthodontic departments of dental colleges and in private dental clinics. It also concludes that various efforts should be made by the public sector to lower the cost of implants so that they can be made affordable to all who are in need and to improve their oral health.

How to cite this article

Shah RJ, Chaturvedi A, Agarwal H. Dental Implants as a Treatment Modality: Awareness Survey among People of Ahmedabad. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2014;4(2):35-38.

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