International Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry

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VOLUME 4 , ISSUE 1 ( January-March, 2014 ) > List of Articles


The Flexible Party Gums: An Esthetic Alternative for Lost Gingiva

Trupti Rajendra Agrawal, Shankar Dange, Smita Khalikar

Citation Information : Agrawal TR, Dange S, Khalikar S. The Flexible Party Gums: An Esthetic Alternative for Lost Gingiva. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2014; 4 (1):20-22.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10019-1101

License: NA

Published Online: 01-03-2014

Copyright Statement:  NA


How to cite this article

Agrawal TR, Dange S, Khalikar S. The Flexible Party Gums: An Esthetic Alternative for Lost Gingiva. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2014;4(1):20-22.

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