A Comparison of Positional Accuracy of Multiple Implants Using Open-tray Impression Transfer with and without Splinting Using Different Splinting Materials: An In Vitro Study
Citation Information :
Gupta K, Mittal S, Biswas S, Prasad S, Kashyap S, Sharma P. A Comparison of Positional Accuracy of Multiple Implants Using Open-tray Impression Transfer with and without Splinting Using Different Splinting Materials: An In Vitro Study. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2024; 14 (2):105-113.
Purpose: To analyze and compare the positional accuracy of multiple implants using open-tray impression transfer with and without splinting using different splinting materials.
Materials and methods: In this study, a heat-cured acrylic model was made with four implant analogs in left and right canine and first molar regions. The model was used to make multiple impressions for sample fabrication. A total of 40 open-tray impressions (10/group) were made. Based on the splinting material used, the groups were named as group A (titanium bar), group B (pattern resin), group C (cold cure acrylic resin), and group D (nonsplinting). Impressions were poured and casts were analyzed for the positional accuracy using coordinate measuring machine. The three-dimensional (3D) coordinates of each implant along the X-, Y-, and Z-axes were measured. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post hoc Tukey test were done to analyze the significant difference between the four implant analogs of each group with the master model.
Results: The implant impressions made using the splinting techniques were more within clinical limits and closer to the reference model rather than nonsplinting technique. Interimplant distance obtained by splinting with cold cure acrylic resin (group C) demonstrated greater variations in X2-, X3-, Y-, and Z-axes. Splinting with pattern resin (group B) was found to be the most accurate method of splinting in the X- and Y-axes, with interimplant distances closer to the reference model. The difference between group B (pattern resin) and group A (titanium bar) was found to be statistically insignificant. Group D (nonsplinting) showed the largest differences when compared with reference model in Z-axis.
Conclusion: Implant impressions made by splinting of impression copings provided better positional accuracy compared to those made without splinting. Pattern Resin provides best dimensional accuracy among the various splinting method tested. However, splinting impression copings with titanium bar was statistically similar to that of pattern resin.
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