International Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry

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VOLUME 14 , ISSUE 1 ( January-March, 2024 ) > List of Articles


Stress Transmission on Bone and Prosthetic Screws Influenced by Implant Position: A Finite Element Analysis

Arpita Paul, Akshay Bhargava, Rajiv Kumar Gupta, Puja Malhotra, Mansi Singh, Bharti Dua

Keywords : Dental implant, Dynamic loading, Finite element analysis, Prosthetic screws, stress

Citation Information : Paul A, Bhargava A, Gupta RK, Malhotra P, Singh M, Dua B. Stress Transmission on Bone and Prosthetic Screws Influenced by Implant Position: A Finite Element Analysis. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2024; 14 (1):45-49.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10019-1444

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 30-03-2024

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2024; The Author(s).


Purpose: To evaluate stress on bone and prosthetic screws as influenced by varying implant positions in a six-implant supported mandibular hybrid prosthesis using finite element method (FEM). Materials and methods: Three-dimensional (3D) models of the human mandible were generated. Three different models were created with 4.2 × 11.5 mm implants placed in different regions bilaterally (model 1: first premolar, second premolar, first molar region; model 2: central incisor, canine, first molar region; model 3: central incisor, second premolar, first molar region). A structural steel framework of 6 mm width to which the abutments were connected was also simulated. To carry out dynamic loading, all the models were subjected to a load of 150 N at 75° on the canine region and first molar region over 3,000,000 cycles, which simulated a clinical usage of 10 years. Stress analysis was carried out under dynamic loading using finite element software (ANSYS Inc.). Results: In model 1, maximum stress was induced on the prosthetic screw over the implant placed in the first premolar region, which fractures within 2,100,000 cycles (representing a clinical usage of 7 years). In model 3, the maximum stress was induced on the prosthetic screw over the implant placed in the central incisor region, which fractures within 2,400,000 cycles (representing a clinical usage of 8 years). No significant deleterious stress was seen to be induced on the bone. Conclusion: The screws fracture within a period of 7–8 years when the implants are placed in a less-than-ideal position, but owing to the prudent variation in a patient's mouth, it can be concluded that prosthetic screws in a full arch prosthesis should be changed within a period of 3–5 years, irrespective of the number of implants. Even though our results suggested that not much impact is induced in the bone, in a clinical scenario, this may vary where bone can increase and decrease in density in order to react and adapt to stress; thus, further clinical studies need to be carried out for the same.

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