Citation Information :
Gaur N. An In Vitro Study to Evaluate Retention of Ball and Locator Attachments in Straight and Angulated Implant-supported Overdenture. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2023; 13 (4):235-241.
Purpose: To compare retention and retention loss exhibited by a pair of ball or locator attachments individually or in combination in straight and angulated two implant-retained overdentures (IRODs) over a period equivalent to 5 years of denture insertion and removal.
Materials and methods: The bilateral canine region of the edentulous mandibular model was used to receive two implants at 0 and 15°. Overdenture bases were retained by ball or locator attachments individually or in combination and grouped as group BB (retained by a pair of ball attachments); group LL (retained by a pair of locator attachments); group BL (retained by ball attachment on straight and locator attachment on 15° angulated implant); and group LB (retained by locator attachment on straight and ball attachment on 15° angulated implant). Respective housings were picked up in overdenture matrices (seven per group). After cyclic loading with 70 N of load for 100,000 cycles, retention values were recorded at various intervals of time during 7,200 insertion-removal cycles. Data was analyzed using one-way analysis of variances (ANOVA) and Tukey's multiple comparison test.
Results: A significant difference was found for intergroup comparison of mean retention. Group LB maintained the highest initial and final retentive force, that is, 182.44 ± 63.59 N and 108.64 ± 52.03 N, respectively. Group LB exhibited the highest mean loss of retention of 42.42 ± 9.88%, followed by BB (41.38 ± 4.25%), BL (35.57 ± 5.78%), and lastly LL (24.65 ± 6.60%). There was a significant decrease in mean retention for all the groups during the 1st year and subsequently from 2 to 5 years except LL.
Conclusion: There exists a significant loss in mean retention in all combinations of ball and locator attachments at straight and angulated implants. The combination of a locator at 0° and ball attachment at 15° exhibited the highest retention, in spite of the maximum percentage loss of retention. Therefore, the combination of a locator on a straight and ball attachment on an angulated implant seems suitable and can ensure adequate retention during long-term clinical use.
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