Patient-specific Implant—Virtual Reality to Actuality: A Case Report
Shikha Singh, Aakash Sethi, Amit Khattak
Keywords :
3D printing, Computer-aided design/computer-aided milling, Patient-specific implants
Citation Information :
Singh S, Sethi A, Khattak A. Patient-specific Implant—Virtual Reality to Actuality: A Case Report. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2022; 12 (2):97-101.
Maxillofacial defects can be congenital or acquired. Reconstruction and augmentation of maxillofacial defects are quite challenging due to the multidisciplinary approach and the complex anatomy of the region. Meticulous rehabilitation of such defects requires detailed shaping and sculpting of the autologous graft or the manufactured implants, which are often associated with complications such as resorption, infection, or displacement which might result in appalling prosthetic rehabilitation. Recent advances in computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) have developed alternatives for fabricating patient-specific implants (PSIs), which allow for the accurate and efficient restoration of complex maxillofacial defects with improved contour and outcomes. This article presents the rehabilitation of maxillary continuity defect using PSI followed by prosthetic rehabilitation of missing dentate segments, restoring esthetics, function, and self-confidence of the patient.
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