International Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry

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VOLUME 11 , ISSUE 4 ( October-December, 2021 ) > List of Articles


A Trichotomous Relation between Papilla Proportion, Gingival Zenith, and Facial Profile

Shivanand Aspalli, S Gomathi Sai Krishna, Reetika Gaddale, Susan Abraham, Prerana Mahapatra, VR Monisha

Citation Information : Aspalli S, Krishna SG, Gaddale R, Abraham S, Mahapatra P, Monisha V. A Trichotomous Relation between Papilla Proportion, Gingival Zenith, and Facial Profile. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2021; 11 (4):173-177.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10019-1343

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 01-12-2021

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2021; The Author(s).


Aims and objectives: Gingival morphology, that is, the contour, thickness, height of the papilla, proportion of the papilla, plays a vital role in smile designing and esthetics. These anatomical landmarks may vary based on race, gender, and ethnicity, so understanding, evaluating, and correcting these variations is the utmost important aspect when planning for smile designing as well as in anterior teeth rehabilitation. The main objective of this study was to evaluate papilla height and papilla proportion as a useful parameter for treatment planning in different facial profile subjects (concave, convex, straight). Materials and methods: Diagnostic casts were made using alginate impressions for 32 periodontally healthy subjects including males and females (age range 18–50 years) having sound anterior teeth. Gingival zenith was marked by using the method described by Chu and Stappert. Papilla height was measured and papilla proportion was calculated by the mathematical equation given by Chu and Stappert. The data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis. Results: Papilla height and papilla proportion were higher in concave profile subjects when compared to convex as well as straight profile subjects. The mean papilla proportion of right central incisor among various facial profiles (convex, straight, and concave) was 34.93% ± 5.40, 34.64% ± 7.38, and 37.58 ± 8.27, respectively and for the left central incisor were 34.74% ± 5.56, 34.05 ± 7.59, and 37.21 ± 8.37, respectively. Conclusion: Facial, dentogingival, dentofacial, and dental are the factors involved in the esthetic analysis. Multidisciplinary approaches are often required to increase the treatment predictability.

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