Citation Information :
Coutinho CA, Hegde D, Vijayalakshmi CR, Iyer R, Priya A. Twin-occlusion Prosthesis in a Class III Hemimandibulectomy Patient. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2020; 10 (1):35-38.
Discontinuity of the mandible results in deviation of remaining mandible toward the resected side. There are many ways of rehabilitating a hemimandibulectomy patient. The patient described in this case report presented with early squamous cell carcinoma of left mandibular alveolus underwent class III hemimandibulectomy and reported to the department of prosthodontics for rehabilitation of the defect as he faced difficulties in mastication and was also concerned about esthetics. This case report describes a technique for rehabilitating a hemimandibulectomy with complete dentures along with twin occlusion.
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