International Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry

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VOLUME 1 , ISSUE 3 ( October-December, 2011 ) > List of Articles


Full-mouth Rehabilitation of a Patient with Severe Attrition using Hobo Twin-Stage Procedure

Tapas Gupta, Ardhendu Banerjee, Saurav Banerjee, Nabarun Chakraborty, Rajwinder Singh

Citation Information : Gupta T, Banerjee A, Banerjee S, Chakraborty N, Singh R. Full-mouth Rehabilitation of a Patient with Severe Attrition using Hobo Twin-Stage Procedure. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2011; 1 (3):177-181.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10019-1033

Published Online: 01-06-2014

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2011; The Author(s).


Excessive occlusal wear can result in pulpal injury, occlusal disharmony, impaired function and esthetic deformity. Loss of anterior guidance can result from severe wear of anterior teeth, which protects the posterior teeth during excursive movement. The collapse of posterior teeth also results in the loss of normal occlusal plane and the reduction of the vertical dimension. This clinical report describes the use of Hobo Twin- stage procedure for rehabilitation of a patient with severe tooth wear, resulting in reduced VDO.

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