Evaluation of Coronal Microleakage in Two Different Post-Core Systems
Simel Tezcan Ayyildiz, Emine Çelik Bagci
Citation Information :
Ayyildiz ST, Bagci EÇ. Evaluation of Coronal Microleakage in Two Different Post-Core Systems. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2011; 1 (3):163-168.
The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the cast metal and ceramic post-core systems, which have similar laboratory and clinical procedures according to coronal microleakage.
Materials and methods
Forty extracted maxillary anterior teeth were endodontically treated. Specimens were randomly assigned to four experimental groups (n = 10). The groups consisted of a cemented metal post-core group (CMPC), a not cemented metal post-core group (NMPC), a cemented ceramic post-core group (CZPC) and a not cemented ceramic post-core group (NZPC). A dual-cure resin cement (Panavia F) was used for both of the cemented groups. All specimens were stained with basic fuchsine and embedded in epoxy resin. Sagittal sections were obtained using a grinding machine and examined under binocular and coal microscopes. Coronal leakages were scored and data were analyzed using Kruskall-Wallis analysis of variance test.
Results were compared between and within groups. No statistically significant differences were found between groups.
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